Sunday, July 19, 2009

I Dreamed a Dream

I had a horrifying nightmare last night. I dreamt that I decided to "let loose" and eat like a mofo for one night. I think I wolfed down an entire pack of Girl Scouts' Thin Mints. I woke up early this morning and had of those moments like, oh my god...I actually did that last night...what am I going to do?!?! Panic set in. And then reality set in, and I realized that my Thin Mints binge did NOT happen last night.

Now that I think about it, I have been dreaming a lot about food since I started the diet and exercise. And of course, I'm not dreaming about fruits and vegetables. I'm dreaming about the hardcore stuff: pizza, burgers, buffalo chicken, pizza, brownie sundaes, sausage egg and cheese sandwiches, and pizza. Too many times, I have woken up and thought that I ate those things in large quantities at some point during the previous day. Luckily, it's just been my brain being overly active. I don't blame it...the poor thing is probably still in shock.

I completed the 30-Day Challenge in the Wii EA Sports Active recently, so I have decided to do another 30-Day Challenge. I changed the intensity from easy to medium, and today was my first medium-intensity workout. My body is screaming ouch right now...the first workout involved lots of running. It wasn't so bad...a month ago, there's no way I could have done a medium-intensity workout. But now, I definitely feel like I could keep going without quitting.

Tomorrow is weigh-in day number two, but I gotta get through today first. Hopefully I won't eat too much, both in the real world and the dream world.


Kelly said...

You're doing great, Scott!!!!!!! So proud of you!!!! Maybe you should do the Marine Corps Marathon in DC as a warm's really flat...and I'm here to cheer you on!

Anonymous said...

Ha I have those dreams too. Unfortunately yesterday wasn't a dream - I really did eat a chimichanga at Acapulco's. Oh well. Extra time at the gym this week!

Would you recommend the EA Sports for Wii? We talked about it a little bit before but I'm thinking about getting it.

Scott said...

Kelly: thanks so much for the support! Good idea about the Marine Corps Marathon...I think that is in October, right? Perhaps I could do it in 2011.

Jackie: Mmmmm...chimichangas. I'm definitely dreaming about that tonight. I also highly recommend EA Sports Active. It kicks your ass for sure...way more than the Wii Fit. And you will definitely work up a sweat. But it's got easy to follow workouts, and I love using the resistance band. If you have the Wii Balance Board, you can use that for workouts, too.