Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Obligatory "Before" Photos

I got a memory card and reader today, so I can finally start taking and uploading some more photos. Unfortunately, they aren't really the kind of photos I like taking.

Yikes. That is a largesse figure. I put on my best “serious” face, didn’t I? I also wore shiny blue shorts…I think I should find a new pair for future photos. They nearly blinded me.

I wouldn’t normally post photos like these, but I clearly need to see these in order to be motivated. I cringe when I see these, and I’m super embarrassed, but it is all part of the weight loss process. I need to see these photos before I can imagine myself a lot skinnier. Also, it will be cool to compare these to later photos when I have made a lot more progress.

For reference, here is a photo of my workout space for the Wii.

Thrilling, isn’t it? I also have an elliptical trainer in the house, but I haven’t used it in so long that I forget it is there sometimes.

More embarrassing and non-embarrassing photos to come in the future!

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