Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Summer Is Here

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, everyone is in a wonderful mood...sounds like the perfect day, right? Good day to be outside and do some sort of activity.

But for fat guys like me, hot and humid days like these can be a killer. I take two steps outside, and my shirt already needs changing thanks to everyone's favorite bodily fluid, sweat. I feel ridiculously sluggish, and I actually dread engaging in any form of activity, outside or inside. It's just one of those days when I stand outside for five minutes, and I'm soaking. Not a fun time. It's a little demoralizing because I want to engage in some outdoorsy activities, but I just hate feeling gross.

Part of me thinks that I gotta suck it up and deal with it. When I'm ready to start running on a regular basis, I can't really make those excuses anymore. On race day, you gotta run regardless of whether it is hot, cold, raining, or snowing. The more often I can deal with adverse conditions, the better prepared I'll be in the future. I'd be whining a lot less, that's for sure. No one wants to listen to a whiny fat guy.

I guess we'll see how the rest of the summer goes. Perhaps I'll try to get out and do some kind of activity whenever it gets hot again. Today, it's just gonna be a lazy Saturday (besides the usual Wii workout). Don't tell anyone.

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