Thursday, July 23, 2009

Dogs Can Help With Weight Loss? Blasphemy!

This is Ted. Ted the dog. See Ted run. And run and run and run. And play with his ducky.

Ted is visiting for a couple days, so I might take the opportunity to go for a walk or a brief run with him. Just a 15 to 30-minute walk, and perhaps I'll try running for a minute just to see what it is like. Humans and dogs need regular exercise to fight off fat and regulate their moods, so why not exercise together? The wifey and I have been considering getting a dog of our own in the future, and I'd like to be able to walk and run with him/her on a regular basis, so I hope I can be somewhat in shape by the time we get one.

Wifey: yes, we will get one soon.

FOLLOW UP FROM YESTERDAY: My friend Michelle sent me a great link to a listing of restaurant foods at Dotti's Weight Loss Zone. Wow...I never knew this site existed. This site has a gigantic listing of restaurants, coffee shops, cafes, and the like, along with meals and drinks served at each place with nutritional information and Weight Watchers points. This is absolutely a must-see for people that like to eat out a lot, like me! The rest of the website is pretty cool and inspirational, as well.

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