Saturday, August 15, 2009

Food Hangover

I just woke up about an hour ago, and I have that sinking feeling in my stomach because I'm hungover and totally regretting what I did yesterday.

No, no, not THAT kind of hangover and's a food hangover, and that sinking feeling in my stomach is the literal result of eating much too much yesterday. Half of a large buffalo chicken pizzz (with blue cheese dipping sauce), chips and salsa, lobster, the other half of the buffalo chicken pizza (and dipping sauce), and, of course, libations. It's just been one of those weeks...I can't fully explain my thought process during this week...I'm guessing it's just been a general feeling of laziness. A common thought this week has been, "I simply do not care about eating healthy." I'm still trying to figure out exactly why I don't care this week, and why this week in particular. I can't seem to keep my emotions in check...

I guess I'm fully in a's to hoping that I can salvage today and Sunday. Unfortunately, my goal this week is not to gain more than a pound. Obviously, this isn't a very good goal, but this is just temporary until I can end this week and move on to the next week.

1 comment:

straightlining said...

Keep your chin up mate and stay positive! You can do it!
Try not to get bogged down with everything. If you feel like that then get out of the house and go for a walk and get some air. It really seems to work!
I feel like I'm in a bit of a rut at the moment for different reasons, but the days I get out of the house seem to be much better than the ones where I am stuck here. Even when I just go out for half an hour!
Good luck mate, you can do it :)