Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weigh-In Day #7: Continuing the Climb

It was another bad week. I'm now at 299.9 pounds. A very symbolic weigh-in. It's like God is telling me that this is my last chance to turn around and start losing weight again. Or else we all know what's next: weighing above 300 pounds again.

I still haven't found the motivation to lose weight again, but I really haven't been putting in the effort to find motivation either. I have received a lot of great advice from you all, and I will definitely put it to good use at some point, hopefully very very soon.

School has started up again for me so that has added an extra layer of stress to the situation. But life is all about stresses, so I know that I cannot use this as an excuse for not putting in the effort to lose weight.

What's next? I'm not sure. Hopefully a better week. I guess the first step is to find that motivation again. I know I can find it... I just hope I can stick with it this time.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Weigh-In Day #6: Disappointment

Yes, I met my little mini-goal by not gaining more than a pounds, but this is still extremely disappointing. Obviously, I have no one to blame but myself...no exercise + bad eating = weight gain.

I fear that I have lost motivation completely and that I am inching my way towards falling off the weight loss bandwagon. What to do next...I'm not sure.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Food Hangover

I just woke up about an hour ago, and I have that sinking feeling in my stomach because I'm hungover and totally regretting what I did yesterday.

No, no, not THAT kind of hangover and regret...it's a food hangover, and that sinking feeling in my stomach is the literal result of eating much too much yesterday. Half of a large buffalo chicken pizzz (with blue cheese dipping sauce), chips and salsa, lobster, the other half of the buffalo chicken pizza (and dipping sauce), and, of course, libations. It's just been one of those weeks...I can't fully explain my thought process during this week...I'm guessing it's just been a general feeling of laziness. A common thought this week has been, "I simply do not care about eating healthy." I'm still trying to figure out exactly why I don't care this week, and why this week in particular. I can't seem to keep my emotions in check...

I guess I'm fully in a rut...here's to hoping that I can salvage today and Sunday. Unfortunately, my goal this week is not to gain more than a pound. Obviously, this isn't a very good goal, but this is just temporary until I can end this week and move on to the next week.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

So Far So Good

The back-on-track day is going well thus far. Healthy breakfast. Healthy lunch. Sucking down water like it's my job. Keeping myself busy. Dinner is already planned for tonight, and it sounds like it will be healthy, so I anticipate a good food day.

Since I'm away from home during the day today, I have to exercise this evening, probably around 8:30pm. I'm not a huge fan of working out at this time, but if I have to exercise late in the day in order to get my activity points, then so be it. I've heard that exercising late in the day can cause you to have bad sleep...personally, I haven't had that problem yet. Also, if I had to choose morning or night for working out, I would choose night, because I am definitely not a morning person. But...I really like working out in the morning after I've been awake for an hour or two...but that doesn't really work out with a work schedule.

A new study says that meal replacements aid weight loss. Good to know, actually. During previous diets, I used to eat just Slim-Fast bars and shakes for breakfast and lunch, and it seemed to work. In fact, I think I did this when I lost a lot of weight in 2001. I've thought about buying these again, because they are major time-savers, but I will probably lose out on some nutrition. Tough choice...save time or maintain nutrition?

Chugging on toward dinner time...I have good vibes that this will be a good day.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Another Bad Day

Another healthy breakfast and lunch, but a terrible dinner. I don't know if it was stress this time...I think it was more "I'm lazy, I don't want to be healthy today" sort of thing. Argh...I'm totally battling my old self these past two weeks. I'm totally fighting the diet thing this week, and I know I shouldn't be. I'm stuck in a major funk right now. I'm funkdafied, and I want to be de-funkdafied. At least I worked out on the elliptical today...

I gotta have a good rest of the week and weekend, or else I'm predicting a bad, bad weigh-in on Monday. Gotta brainstorm about how I can fight the funk.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm A Maniac...

...and I'm eating like I've never eaten before. Stress got the best of me today...I ate a healthy breakfast and lunch, but dinner was a disaster. At 2:30pm today, I decided I was too stressed out to care about eating healthy and exercising for the day. I shrugged my shoulders and basically said, whatever...I simply do not care about being healthy tonight.

Of course, I'm totally regretting it now. I went out to eat at a restaurant, I stuffed my face with buffalo tenders, and I chowed down on a bacon cheeseburger and fries to the point where I felt my belly was going to explode all over the bar. Not good. I've been told that it is OK to have one bad meal per week...but I don't think overeating to the point of exploding was what they had in mind.

Stress eating has always been a problem for me. It's almost like I spend all my energy being stressed that I simply do not care about anything else for the rest of the day. No matter how much progress I have made thus far...it all vanishes when I become stressed. I'm not entirely sure what to do to combat stress...I know a lot of people use exercise for that purpose, but it hasn't done the trick for me yet. Some people use therapy...not sure if I'm ready for that. What else is there?

I think I need to keep my goals in perspective when I encounter these problems in the future. I know I can't use food to deal with stress...I have to combat stress in a more conducive manner. I'll probably be wracking my brain for the next week because of this night. Argh.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Weigh-In Day #5: A Week-Long Relapse

I knew I was going to go up this week. No doubt about it. I didn't work out for a week and a half. I didn't track Weight Watchers points for a week, which resulted in me eating rather badly. I haven't blogged in a week. I basically jumped completely off the weight loss bandwagon for a week. I think I needed a break...things seemed a little overwhelming all of a sudden. Plus, I felt a sudden need to be SUPER lazy before I can't be lazy anymore...the school year begins in just two short weeks.

I think I should be thanking my lucky stars that I only gained 1.6 lbs. I'm looking at it as a minor setback on this journey...I knew things wouldn't be perfect, and I am going to learn from my mistakes. I ate healthy today, and I worked out on the elliptical.

I think I'm going to give up the Wii for a little while...I got a little bored with it, to be honest. I'm also considering joining a gym sooner rather than later...probably in the next few weeks. I feel that I'm missing something in my workout, and I think that something is strength/resistance training. I was sort of getting that with the resistance band that came with EA Sports Active...but I'm not sure it is enough. It also got a little monotonous. I think the strength training machines at the gym are useful...but I don't think I know how to use them, or at least use them properly. I'm hoping that my gym gives a free personal training session or a basic workout plan, because I really don't have any sort of workout routine. Anyone know whether gyms will give out basic workout routines?

I apologize to all for not updating, but I'm back and ready to start losing weight again. Let the daily updates resume. :-)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Weigh-In Day #4: Small But Sweet

Yikes, I've been on my longest hiatus yet...I haven't updated since Friday, when I promised all of you that I would update this weekend. And I totally broke my promise. I had one of those really really lazy weekends, where I didn't really want to do anything except relax and enjoy a quiet weekend. I think it is because law school starts again for me in a few weeks, and I'm trying to enjoy my free time while I still can.

Unfortunately, that laziness resulted in some hiccups this weekend with food and exercise. I didn't exercise the entire weekend, and I ate slightly larger dinners. But things are OK...I lost 1.3 pounds this week, coming in at a weight of 294.7 pounds. Honestly, I think I would have lost more if it wasn't for this weekend. But it's OK...I remain fully on the weight loss bandwagon, and I'm still very much energized and excited about exercising and eating healthy.

I'm still trying to enjoy these last few days of freedom, so I probably will not exercise today. However, I am getting back on track tomorrow. I will be away from home, but I have decided to find a way to exercise at the hotel I am staying at, either at the on-site gym or by walking around the premises for an extended period of time. I would be content with doing either option.

I want to thank everyone again for your continued support...you guys are the best!