Monday, August 10, 2009

Weigh-In Day #5: A Week-Long Relapse

I knew I was going to go up this week. No doubt about it. I didn't work out for a week and a half. I didn't track Weight Watchers points for a week, which resulted in me eating rather badly. I haven't blogged in a week. I basically jumped completely off the weight loss bandwagon for a week. I think I needed a break...things seemed a little overwhelming all of a sudden. Plus, I felt a sudden need to be SUPER lazy before I can't be lazy anymore...the school year begins in just two short weeks.

I think I should be thanking my lucky stars that I only gained 1.6 lbs. I'm looking at it as a minor setback on this journey...I knew things wouldn't be perfect, and I am going to learn from my mistakes. I ate healthy today, and I worked out on the elliptical.

I think I'm going to give up the Wii for a little while...I got a little bored with it, to be honest. I'm also considering joining a gym sooner rather than later...probably in the next few weeks. I feel that I'm missing something in my workout, and I think that something is strength/resistance training. I was sort of getting that with the resistance band that came with EA Sports Active...but I'm not sure it is enough. It also got a little monotonous. I think the strength training machines at the gym are useful...but I don't think I know how to use them, or at least use them properly. I'm hoping that my gym gives a free personal training session or a basic workout plan, because I really don't have any sort of workout routine. Anyone know whether gyms will give out basic workout routines?

I apologize to all for not updating, but I'm back and ready to start losing weight again. Let the daily updates resume. :-)


Unknown said...

Hi Scott! I go to Big Sky in Newington and I am pretty sure they give you a few free personal training sessions when you join! We could motivate each other to go!!

Scott said...

Maggie: would you believe that I actually was a member of the Big Sky in Newington during the first year of school? I really liked that gym...for all 2-3 weeks that I went. I wasted major money on a year's membership there. I am considering Big Sky again, though.

Anonymous said...

hey should check into LA Fitness, especially if there is one near where you are in CT as well. The cardio stuff is all upstairs in a loft too so you can work out without feeling like you are bring stared at...great classes and a full size pool too.


Anonymous said...

Scott! Caritas Health and Wellness (in the RAMA center) is the BEST gym. I think they do free meetings with personal trainers and have multiple plans for pers. training. I am currently working with Kenny-the-sadist and have noticed a difference in 2 weeks (more toned, more muscle, feel stronger) and plan on continuing until the wedding. Check em out! xox Esme